Welcome to IEUA2024-10-10T16:35:59-07:00


IEUA is committed to investing in our water supply for today and tomorrow through fiscal responsibility, efficient business practices, water supply management, and environmental stewardship.


IEUA is committed to investing in our water supply for today and tomorrow through fiscal responsibility, efficient business practices, water supply management, and environmental stewardship.

Message from our General Manager

IEUA continues to achieve significant milestones and remains committed to securing long-term water supply resiliency and investing in our sewer and treatment systems to protect public health, particularly in light of unforeseen emergencies like the powerful storms we witnessed earlier in the year. These events have highlighted the importance of proactive planning to not only protect and maintain our critical infrastructure, but to also secure local water supplies and water systems to meet the region’s needs. Recognizing that weather patterns will shift and cyclical droughts exist, we must continue to plan and invest in projects and programs that will enable the region to maintain confidence in the regional wastewater system and their water supply today and tomorrow – The Time is Always Now to safeguard our water resources.

With approximately 30% of our water supply reliant on imported supply from the California State Water Project, IEUA is committed to expanding our local supply portfolio by leveraging resources and maximizing our water storage capacity. Exciting advancements, such as the anticipated completion of the Regional Water Recycling Plant No. 5 (RP-5) Expansion Project in 2026, will significantly enhance liquid treatment capacity, marking milestones for wastewater treatment infrastructure.

In addition to reaching the completion of the RP-5 expansion, we’re eagerly anticipating the advancement of the Chino Basin Program (CBP) which aims to enhance water management and sustainability across the region. With community support and endorsements by local partners, the establishment of a new advanced water treatment facility will contribute an additional 15,000 acre-feet (AF) of high-quality advanced purified water, enhancing local groundwater supply, and solidifying our resilience against the uncertainties posed by weather shifts, emergencies, and future periods of drought.

It is critical we protect water systems and maintain the quality of local water supplies. In emphasizing consumer awareness and education through initiatives such as the ‘Be Sewer Smart’ campaign, we have been able to address issues related to Fats, Oils, Greases (FOG), and non-flushable wipes. These efforts target critical concerns impacting community health and resilience. By promoting vigilance for the proper disposal of FOG and in identifying the ‘Do Not Flush’ symbol on wipe’s product packaging, we can foster sewer-smart choices and mitigate damage to our sewer system infrastructure at the forefront as well as protecting public and environmental health.

Moving forward, I’m optimistic and confident in the opportunities that lie ahead in Fiscal Year (FY) 24/25. I’m grateful for the collaboration with our dedicated staff and partners across the region, and I’m continuously inspired by the adaptability and resilience in tackling whatever challenges lie ahead.  As always, IEUA remains dedicated to serving the community by providing top-quality resources, expanding our local water supply, investing in infrastructure, and adhering to our core values of fiscal responsibility, water reliability, and environmental stewardship.

Shivaji Deshmukh, P.E.
General Manager

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